Friday, January 21, 2011


So, I decided to be a bit cultured today. First I went down to see Mirazozo which is a huge bubble experience in the forecourt of the opera house. Pics below. Pretty cool, aside from the hundreds of kids running around. You can sit inside, lean up against a wall, listen to the soothing music, and then contemplate...something something.

After that, I went to a very interesting Annie Liebovitz at the Sydney Museum of Contemporary Art which showcased a lot of her professional pictures but also a lot of her photos from her personal life and family. Always interesting to see some of the behind the scenes stuff in an artists life. The museum also had a nice exhibit by an aboriginal artist/tribal elder/teacher who passed away about a year ago I think. They were drawings on bark and scrolls. I get the feeling I didn't really get a lot of the pieces because I don't exactly have a great background in aboriginal culture, but it was interesting all the same.

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