Sunday, June 5, 2011

An update for April/May

Time for an update:

As most of you know, I spent 3 weeks in April traveling through the US to see family and friends, which was fantastic. I spent a few days down in DC, about a week in New Jersey with the family, and then a week in California catching up with some good friends and then a fabulous wedding. Near the end of my NJ stay, I became the proud new owner of a Panasonic Lumix-FZ100 (thanks mom and abba!!!) so hopefully from here on my pictures should be of slightly better quality. Plus, my brother and sister-in-law just got me a voucher for a 3 hour beginner photography lesson, so maybe I'll be able to figure out how to use the flash on this new fancy camera (true story).

What all that means is that I have some lovely pictures of California, but nothing from Jersey or DC.

Just before I left for the US, i had a fun opportunity to go spelunking, or caving, with some friends at Jenolan Caves. We rappelled down into the cave mouth and then spent 3 hours underground exiting into a huge cavern at the bottom of the mountain where the less adventurous tourists can wander around on lit footpaths. As you can see from the picture, there were a few TIGHT squeezes.

Just after I got back from the states, I went with a few of the guys from work on a jet-boating tour. What that amounted to getting on a stupid fast boat speeding out around the harbor doing 360s and getting absolutely soaking with the occasional stop to point out a famous person's house. What I learned from the trip was, the water in the harbor tastes terrible and there are a lot of rich people with houses!

Last on my update, a week ago, I went out for a hike with a couple of friends to Garigal Park which was a really nice walk around one of the bays north of the harbor. I'm showing my geological ignorance here, but there were some amazing rock formations which basically were a thin veneer or a hard rock which was filled with a softer rock (sandstone i think) and when the harder outer rock cracked at some point the water started washing away the inner rock leaving large hollow bubbles, holes/tunnels through the rock, and all sorts of cool

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